Dive Sites
Listed below are the dive sites we've dived, discovered, heard about, or are interested in diving. As club diving increases, so does the information we have on each dive site. Keep coming back and looking through this valuable resource of information as it continues to grow.
Click on the dive site image to view the full information page of each site. Once there, you'll also be able to see the last dive reviews for that particular site, photos of the site, and who has dived it previously.
Dive Site:
Roches Beach
This is a cleanup dive site, not really looking for much more
than the odd scallop and a heap of Northern Pacific Sea Stars.
Dive Site:
Sandy Bay
An invasive seastar cleanup around the moorings.
But keep your eyes open for handfish!
Dive Site:
Schouten Island
A huge number of dives to choose from ranging from the
magnificent deep reef off Cape Sonnerat to shallow kelp
forests in Trumpeter Bay.